The Logo

This is the logo of the Philippine Commission on Women. It consists of the dove symbol and the type “Philippine Commission on Women”. Both elements must be used together at all times. In most applications, the logo is placed inside an identity box or band for emphasis and distinction. The color used for the box or band is purple, which is globally recognized as the color of women, symbolizing justice and dignity.

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The PCW logo must not be altered or recreated in any way that violates the integrity of its design. Thus, the relationship of its elements shown here should always be retained. Neither the icon nor the typography should be used independently of the other. The only exception permissible is when used on social media sites and other applications, but shall be subject for approval.

The Elements

Philippine Flag
At the center of the dove is a stylized Philippine flag to highlight PCW as the Philippine Government’s national machinery for women.

Dove Symbol: Women, Peace, Development, Equality
The central element of the PCW logo, the dove symbol signifies peace. It is facing right to symbolize development or moving forward, while the tail forms the “equal” sign to stand for equality. Inside the dove is the woman’s symbol representing women’s vital roles in peace, equality, and development.

On the left side of the dove symbol is the text “Philippine Commission on Women” in Arial Bold.

Color Palette

Acceptable Uses

The PCW logo has been designed as a unit, consisting of the symbol and the logotype. There are two acceptable full logo variations: the white and the royal purple.

White (stand alone) logo
The dove symbol is outlined in black and the logotype is in black.

Royal purple logo
The dove symbol is not outlined and the logotype is in reverse for better contrast.

Treatment in reverse and black & white
For instances in which the PCW logo will appear on a black & white or grayscale publication, the PCW logo should appear 100% black on white. And when placed on a black background, the logo should appear 100% white.

Clear space and minimum size
To ensure that the PCW logo always appears clearly and unobstructed, it is important to provide an area of clear space around it.

The logo should maintain a minimum clear space equal to the height of the “P” around the whole logo. No other object should appear within this area at any time, and where possible, this clear space should be increased.

The PCW logo should always be legible and must never lose its integrity when reduced to a small size. To ensure this, the logo should never appear in print smaller than 25mm in width.