2024 GAD Webinar Series

The online GAD Webinar Series is the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW)’s response to the mission of providing appropriate and strategic technical assistance on gender and development (GAD) to various stakeholders. Taking advantage of the shift from traditional modes of learning to innovations in information and communication technology (ICT) such as digital, mobile, and e-learning, the GAD Webinars offer an accessible, location-flexible, innovative, and informative platform to educate policymakers, public servants, gender trainers, and the general public on GAD. The webinar sessions are designed to create awareness of gender sensitivity as well as to enhance knowledge and skills on GAD concepts, tools, and their applications to gender mainstreaming, gender analysis, GAD agenda development, and GAD planning and budgeting. These learning sessions aimed at building the GAD-related competencies of GAD Focal Point System (GFPS) members and relevant stakeholders to enable them to fulfill their roles in gender mainstreaming and the implementation of GAD-related policies and mandates of their respective offices and organizations.

Since 2020, the GAD webinars have cemented PCW’s mandate as a leader in online GAD capacity building responsive to the capacity development needs of its primary clients and stakeholders. While the webinars have reduced the need to organize face-to-face technical assistance, they enabled PCW to provide technical assistance on GAD, gender mainstreaming, and gender analysis en masse to various stakeholders. As such, they have contributed to the increased knowledge of GAD among the 16,925 participants of GAD Webinars organized from 2020-2023, with 13,228 females, and 3,679 males.

For FY 2024, PCW will offer eight (8) sessions, an increase from the previous year’s six (6), primarily to incorporate topics on the creation of a GAD database and topics specific and relevant to local government units (LGUs) in light of the upcoming issuance of the revised guidelines on local GAD planning and budgeting and to address the need for technical assistance on gender analysis of LGU. Thus,  the 2024 GAD Webinar Series will feature new webinar sessions focused on the utilization and application of the Gender Responsive LGU (GeRL) Tool, a separate GAD budget forum tailored for LGUs, and a learning session on the development of the GAD database.

GAD Webinar Guidelines

1. Target Participants

The 2024 GAD Webinar Series primarily caters to government employees, in particular, members of the GAD Focal Point Systems (GFPS) of various government organizations such as national government agencies (NGAs), which include line departments, executive offices, attached agencies, constitutional commissions and other government instrumentalities at the central and regional offices; state universities and colleges (SUCs), government-owned and controlled corporations (GOCCs), local water districts, legislative and judiciary branches, and local government units, Members of private institutions and civil society organizations are also welcome to register in the webinar subject to the availability of slots. 

2. Registration

2.1 Interested individuals are advised to register according to the webinar schedule. There is no limit on the number of registrants per agency or institution. Registration will be accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. PCW does not require agencies to send an official letter requesting slots for their agency participation in the GAD webinar. There is no group registration for the GAD Webinar. The use of multiple email addresses by one person to register for the webinar is not allowed.

2.2 Registration link or URL will open before the webinar schedule and automatically close once the number of registrants reaches 1000.

2.3 Each registrant shall use their email address to individually register on the GAD Webinar link uploaded to the PCW Website and PCW Facebook page. Registrants are expected to use their unique individual  email address to register for  the webinar. Once the registration is complete, a confirmation email along with the Zoom webinar credentials will be sent to the successful registrants.

2.4 Successful registrants (those with approved registration) who are a no-show during the actual GAD webinar may not be allowed to register in the subsequent webinars organized by PCW.

3. Online Platform

The GAD Webinar is delivered through the Zoom Webinar Platform which can accommodate up to a maximum of 1,000 participants. Successful registrants will receive the unique link to the GAD Webinar or its credentials such as  meeting ID and passcode through the individual email addresses they used for registration. 

Participants are advised to refrain from sharing the webinar credentials they received as the webinar slots are allotted only to those who registered.

4. Social Media Platform

Recorded videos of GAD Webinars will be uploaded to the PCW GAD Webinar dedicated page.  Participants and organizations may download these videos for use in their respective training, webinar, or other capacity development activities. 

The same recorded videos will also be shared via PCW’s official social media pages. Participants and organizations may subscribe to PCW’s official YouTube channel and official Facebook account to be notified of the registration schedule for each GAD Webinar and the availability of the webinar videos uploaded on these pages.

5. Internet Connectivity Requirements

To ensure the quality and uninterrupted delivery of the webinar, it is advised to secure a stable Internet connection with at least 5mbps bandwidth. To check Internet speed, participants may visit www.fast.com.

6. Training Cost

The 2024 GAD Webinar Series consisting of eight (8) GAD Webinars implemented from February to November 2024 will be offered free of charge. 

7. Training Hours

Completing each GAD Webinar entitles the participant to a credit of eight (8) training hours on GAD.

8. Eligibility for E-Certificate

E-certificates shall be issued to participants who meet the following requirements:

  1. Complete at least 70% of the total aggregate training time based on the logged-in time in the online meeting platform such as Zoom;
  2. Obtain at least 70% correct score in the post-test; and
  3. Accomplish and submit the PCW Activity and Resource Person Evaluation Survey. Participants shall provide the full name and email address that was used for registering in the evaluation survey. 

E-certificates will be issued to eligible participants 30 working days after the completion of each GAD Webinar. Participants are advised to utilize the same email address used for registration in responding to the activity and resource person evaluation survey and the post-test.
PCW will not be responsible for the non-issuance of e-certificates due to errors or irregularities in complying with the eligibility requirements.     

GAD Webinar Schedules

GAD Webinar 1: Basic GAD Concepts and Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression and Sex Characteristics (SOGIESC)

The GAD Webinar 1 offers a module on the foundational concepts of GAD and SOGIESC that are featured in  basic GAD orientation and Gender Sensitivity Training (GST). This webinar  is designed to cultivate gender sensitivity as a fundamental quality and competency among government employees. The overarching objective of the session is to internalize a gender-sensitive perspective, fostering an understanding of how social institutions—such as the family, school, media, faith, market, and the legal system—perpetuate gender bias and compound gender issues, consequently leading to gender discrimination and inequality. The webinar aims  to raise awareness, dispel misconceptions about GAD, and underscore that gender equality and women’s empowerment are not conflicting pursuits but integral means toward achieving each other. Moreover, compared to previous webinars on basic GAD and SOGIESC, this webinar will incorporate the topic of gender-fair language to advance gender sensitivity within the workplace and community. It will be tackled under media as one of the social institutions on gender or as an agent of gender socialization. Through the discussion and analysis of advertisements and various media forms, it will highlight the significance of using gender-fair language to empower, advocate for balance representation, and avoid stereotypes.

Recognizing the evolving landscape of gender discourse, PCW has enhanced its GST and GAD orientation module by incorporating a dedicated session on Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression, and Sex Characteristics (SOGIESC). This addition aims to prompt participants to reassess any inherent heteronormative biases they may hold, fostering an appreciation for diverse SOGIESC, that will translate to concrete actions such as ensuring that our workplaces and institutions are safe and friendly towards persons of diverse SOGIESC.

Schedule: February 21, 2024
Registration Date:  February 1, 2024

Session 1: Basic GAD Concepts, and Gender-Fair Language
Department Legislative Liaison Specialist
Commission on Higher Education
Member, National GAD Resource Pool Batch 3

Session 2: Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity and Expression, and Sex Characteristics (SOGIESC)
Independent GAD Consultant
Member, National GAD Resource Pool Batch 8

Download the presentations here.

GAD Webinar 2: Gender Mainstreaming Concepts and Policy Imperatives with Gender Analysis

The GAD Webinar 2 combines the standard modules on gender mainstreaming and gender analysis.   It aims to enhance the knowledge of participants on gender mainstreaming as a strategy to pursue gender equality and to make it a fundamental value in development choices and institutional practice. Gender Mainstreaming (GM) is a strategy that recognizes gender issues on a sustained basis and promotes the inclusion of gender perspective in the design and implementation of plans and programs to carry out government mandates. Aside from GM concepts, the webinar will also review GAD-related mandates and GM policy imperatives that are essential in fully understanding the basis and history of the GAD approach in the country. Meanwhile, Gender Analysis and the use of gender analysis tools is one of the three basic trainings that have to be undertaken by members of the GFPS and concerned staff. In this webinar, Gender Analysis (GA) will be discussed as an essential element in gender mainstreaming. The session will develop knowledge and understanding of GA concepts, frameworks, and tools to surface gender issues among women and men, girls and boys in households and communities. The session will also introduce GA tools used for diagnosing gender gaps in organizations and influencing the design, implementation, management, monitoring, and evaluation of programs and projects to be gender-responsive.

Schedule: April 24, 2024
Registration Date: April 4, 2024

Session 1 – Overview of GM and Policy Imperatives

Session 2 – Gender Analysis

Register here.

GAD Webinar 3: Use and Application of the Gender-Responsive Local Government Unit (GERL) Toolkit

The GAD Webinar 3 will introduce the Gender-Responsive Local Government Unit (GeRL) Toolkit as a gender analysis tool specifically designed to assess and enhance the gender responsiveness of LGUs at both provincial and city/municipal levels. The session will highlight the practical application of the toolkit in evaluating the organizational capacities of LGUs and their delivery of basic services and facilities. The GeRL Assessment Tool aims to gather data on GAD mainstreaming efforts, serves as a monitoring and evaluation tool, and identifies gaps and strategies for achieving gender-responsive local governance.

The GeRL Assessment Tool comprises six forms, each serving a specific purpose:

  1. FORM A: LGU BASIC INFORMATION: Captures the LGU’s profile, including officials, demographics, and economic information.
  2. FORM B: GeRL ASSESSMENT TOOL FOR ORGANIZATIONAL CAPACITIES: Evaluates gender responsiveness in terms of policies, plans, and institutional capabilities.
  3. FORM C: GeRL ASSESSMENT TOOL FOR BASIC SERVICES AND FACILITIES: Assesses gender responsiveness in the delivery of basic services and facilities.
  4. FORM D: GeRL ASSESSMENT TOOL SCORE SHEET: Reflects the scores per indicator from Forms B and C.
  5. FORM E: GeRL ASSESSMENT TOOL RATING SUMMARY: Summarizes ratings for the main performance areas in Forms B and C.
  6. FORM F: LGU ACTION POINTS: Identifies gaps and gender issues, proposing specific interventions, implementation schedules, and responsible LGU offices.

GAD webinar 3 will provide participants with a step-by-step guide to administering the tool, ensuring a thorough understanding of its implementation process. This webinar is open only to participants from the LGUs. 

Schedule: May 22, 2024
Registration Date: May 4, 2024

Session 1 – Overview of the GeRL Tool & Form B

Session 2 – Forms C, D, E, and F

Session 3 – Sharing of 2 LGU from 1 City & 1 Province

GAD Webinar 4: Use of the HGDG Tool in Mainstreaming Gender Elements in the Project Development Cycle

GAD Webinar 4 will discuss how to use the Harmonized GAD Guidelines (HGDG) as a gender analysis, planning, and monitoring tool to ensure that programs and projects undertaken by donors and the Philippine government in their various stages are gender-responsive. The webinar will enable the participants to appreciate the integration of GAD elements in the project development cycle. It will demonstrate the assessment of a program and project using the HGDG tool and the application of the assessment results in the agency GAD Plan and Budget and GAD Accomplishment Report. The webinar will also show the identification of mitigating strategies to address gender gaps and to improve the gender-responsiveness of the program/project design, implementation, management, monitoring, and evaluation. 

To enrich the learning experience, selected government agencies will be invited to share their practical insights and experiences in applying the HGDG tool. This sharing will encompass how the tool has been instrumental in mainstreaming gender perspectives within their programs/projects and attributing a portion of the funds to the GAD budget, providing real-world examples of providing real-world examples of flagship/mainstream/ regular programs and projects integrated with a gender perspective.

Schedule: June 26, 2024
Registration Date: June 6, 2024

Session 1 – Overview of HGDG & HGDG Design

Session 2 – HGDG PIMME

Session 3 – Presentation of two (2) Agency Sharers

GAD Webinar 5:  GAD Agenda

GAD Webinar 5 is a learning session on the development and monitoring and evaluation of the GAD Agenda, which is the basis for the annual formulation of agency GAD plans and budgets. The webinar will inform the participants on the tools and techniques for the identification and prioritization of the gender issues to be addressed over a six-year term, which is the timeframe of the GAD Agenda. The sessions will enhance knowledge and understanding of the seven (7) steps of formulating the GAD Agenda, which consists of the GAD Strategic Framework (Steps 1-5) and the GAD Strategic Plan (Steps 6-7). This webinar will also feature success stories, experiences, and lessons from government agencies that have developed and operationalized their GAD Agenda.

Schedule: August 14, 2024
Registration Date: July 25, 2024

Session 1 – Overview of the GAD Agenda & GAD Strategic Framework

Session 2 – GAD Strategic Plan

Session 3 – Sharing of one (1) Agency

GAD Webinar 6:  GAD Planning and Budgeting for NGAs / National GAD Budget Forum

The GAD Webinar 5 serves as the National GAD Budget Forum for the PCW to cascade  the annual GAD Budget Call to national government agencies, state universities and colleges, government-owned and controlled corporations and other government instrumentalities. The webinar consists of three (3) sessions covering the entire cycle of GAD Planning and Budgeting. The first session discusses the essential elements of GAD planning and budgeting and the step-by-step guide in formulating the annual GAD Plan and Budget, as well as filling out the GPB and GAD AR templates. The subsequent session delves into the online submission, review, and endorsement of the annual GPBs, including relevant  updates based on  the PCW-NEDA-DBM Joint Memorandum Circular No. 2022-01 and the PCW GAD Budget Call. The last session features a discussion of the audit of GAD funds and activities in government in accordance with the revised GAD funds audit guidelines of the Commission on Audit (COA).
This webinar is open only to participants from the NGAs, SUCs, GOCCS, and other government executive offices. 

Schedule: September 18, 2024
Registration Date: August 29, 2024

Session 1 – GPB Preparation

Session 2 – GPB Submission, Review and Endorsement

Session 3 – Audit of GAD Funds

GAD Webinar 7:  GAD Planning and Budgeting Forum for LGUs

With the increase in demand for a separate forum on  GAD planning and budgeting for local government units (LGUs), PCW has included a webinar on local GAD planning and budgeting.
This webinar is open only to participants from the LGUs. 

Similar to the design of the national GPB forum, the GAD Webinar 7 will provide the step-by-step process of formulating annual GAD plans of LGUs, with a specific focus on identifying gender issues and GAD objectives, designing the appropriate GAD PPAs, targets and indicators, attributing regular/flagship/mainstream programs and projects to GAD using the HGDG and correctly filling out the LGU GPB templates based on the provisions of the amended DILG-PCW-NEDA-DBM Joint Memorandum Circular on Localizing the Magna Carta of Women (MCW). The session will also highlight the institutional mechanisms for localizing the MCW, which includes the integration of GAD in local development plans and priorities that will facilitate gender mainstreaming at the local level. 

Schedule: October 23, 2024
Registration Date: October 3, 2024

Session 1 – LGU GPB Preparation

Session 2 – LGU GPB Submission, Review, and Endorsement

Session 3 – Audit of GAD Funds and Activities in Local Government Units

GAD Webinar 8:  GAD Database

Section 36 of Republic Act No. 9710, or the Magna Carta of Women directs agencies to systematically collect and generate sex-disaggregated data and statistics, according to their mandates. Agencies  have expressed their  need for technical guidance on establishing a GAD database in the absence of guidelines to be issued by appropriate oversight agencies. Recognizing this demand, PCW is dedicating a separate session to the development of the GAD database. 

By including this session, PCW acknowledges the significance not only of advocating for sex-disaggregated data but also of supporting agencies in the practical implementation of the establishment of a GAD database, especially in leveling off on the purpose, conceptual framework, components, and tools necessary to set up and maintain a GAD database. This initiative aligns with broader efforts to enhance gender mainstreaming and promote a more inclusive and equitable approach to data collection and analysis within government agencies. Ultimately, the session aims to empower agencies with the knowledge and tools necessary to systematically integrate gender perspectives into their data systems, which leads to the identification of gender issues and helps in gender-responsive and evidenced-based planning, programming, implementation, monitoring and evaluation.

Schedule: November 20, 2024
Registration Date: October 30, 2024

Session 1 – Overview of the GAD Database

Session 2 – Data Requirements, Tools, and Forms

Session 3 – 1 Agency Sharer & 1 LGU Sharer