PCW Memorandum Circular 2018-04: Revised Guidelines for the Preparation of the Gender and Development (GAD) Agenda

Date 19 September 2018
To: Heads of Executive Departments, Agencies, Bureaus, Offices, State Universities and Colleges, Government Owned and/or Controlled Corporations, Legislative and Judiciary Branches, Constitutional Bodies and Other National Government Instrumentalities
Subject: Revised Guidelines for the Preparation of the Gender and Development (GAD) Agenda

1. Background Rationale

In accordance with the Magna Carta of Women (MCW) and the Philippines’ commitment to achieve gender equality and women’s empowerment (GEWE), the Guidelines for the Preparation of Annual GAD Plans and Budgets (GPBs) and GAD Accomplishment Reports (ARs) was issued by the Philippine Commission on Women, the National Economic and Development Authority (NEDA) and the Department of Budget and Management (DBM). The guidelines provide the procedures for the formulation, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of GAD plans and budgets of agencies and identify the setting of the GAD agenda as one of the steps in formulating the GAD plan. The GAD agenda shall be the basis for the annual formulation of programs, activities and projects (PAPs) to be included in the GPBs of agencies. It will provide agencies with direction in setting and monitoring their GAD initiatives towards the achievement of their GEWE goals.

The development of the GAD Agenda shall be guided by the desired GEWE outcomes and goals embodied in the MCW and other women or gender-related laws relevant to the agency’s mandates; the Philippine Plan for Gender Responsive Development (PPGD) 1995-2025 and term plans on GEWE; and  various international GAD-related commitments such as the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (UN CEDAW), the Beijing Platform for Action (BPfA), and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It shall also be anchored on the priorities and thrusts of the government as expressed in the Philippine Development Plan and various sectoral plans.  (See Annex A)

2. Purpose

This Memorandum Circular provides the guidelines and procedures in the formulation, implementation, monitoring, and evaluation of the multi-year GAD Agenda as basis for the annual GAD Plans and Budgets of agencies.

3. General Guidelines

3.1. The GAD Agenda is the agency’s strategic framework and plan on gender mainstreaming, and achieving women’s empowerment and gender equality. It shall:

3.1.1. Serve as basis in identifying programs, activities, and projects to be undertaken to achieve the GAD goals and outcomes;

3.1.2. Provide the monitoring and evaluation (M&E) framework for assessing GAD results and outcomes that shall be the basis for strengthening the mainstreaming of a GAD perspective in the agency’s operations and programs; and

3.1.3. Be formulated in a participatory, consultative and inclusive process. It shall consider the results from consultations with women target beneficiaries as well women’s groups/organizations working on the sector and other concerned stakeholders, and the identified gaps resulting from gender analysis.

4. Content and Timeframe of the GAD Agenda

The GAD Agenda is a two-part document consisting of the GAD Strategic Framework (GADSF) and the GAD Strategic Plan (GADSP). The GADSF outlines the agency’s GAD Vision, Mission and Goals anchored on the mandate of the agency, while GADSP defines the strategic interventions, indicators, and targets to be pursued to achieve GAD goals over a period of time.

The timeframe of the GAD Agenda is six years.

5. Steps in Formulating the GAD Agenda (See Annex B)

5.1. Organizing the Planning Team

5.1.1. The Head of Agency or GAD Focal Point System (GFPS) Chairperson shall issue, if necessary, an office memorandum for the preparation of the GAD Agenda.

5.1.2. For agencies with sub-units, the GFPS of the central office (CO) shall ensure the representation and participation of regional offices, staff bureaus, and other sub-units of the agency in the planning team. Attached agencies and bureaus independent from their parent agency shall also issue an office memorandum and shall prepare their respective GAD Agenda.

5.1.3. The agency may also seek the support of external GAD practitioners or sectoral experts from women or GAD-related civil society organizations, members of the PCW Gender Resource Pool, representatives of Regional GAD Resource Centers, to serve as resource persons or consultants for the preparation of the GAD Agenda.

5.2. Conducting Gender Analysis

5.2.1. The agency, led by the GFPS, shall conduct gender analysis based on the following: Results of the application of gender analysis tools such as the Gender Mainstreaming Evaluation Framework (GMEF), Harmonized Gender and Development Guidelines (HGDG), Participatory Gender Audit (PGA) and other gender analysis tools; Analysis of sex-dis aggregated data and/or relevant information; Review of GAD-related mandates and policies (international and local); Review of sectoral and Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment (GEWE) plans and GAD-related indicators; and Issues and recommendations gathered from consultations with women’s groups/organizations working on the sector and other concerned stakeholders.

5.2.2.  After collating the results of the gender analysis, the agency should be able to come up with a summary list of gender issues.

5.2.3. The gender issue could be client-and/or organization-focused. A client-focused gender issue refers to gap/s arising from the unequal status of women and men stakeholders (customers, clients, beneficiaries) of a particular agency including the extent of their disparity over access to benefits from and contribution to a policy, program, projects and/or services of the agency. An organization-focused gender issue, on the other hand, points to the gap/s in the capacity of the organization to integrate a gender dimension in its programs, systems or structure.

5.3. Setting the Agency’s GAD Vision and Mission (See Annex D)
The GAD vision shall be formulated to reflect the agency’s projected direction to achieve its gender equality and women’s empowerment based on its mandate, priorities and thrusts. The GAD Mission should articulate the agency’s purpose based on its mandate in relation to achieving  gender equality and women’s empowerment.

5.4. Formulating the GAD Goals

Based on the results of gender analysis, the agency shall set 3-5 GAD goals that it can achieve during the timeframe set.

5.5. Prioritizing Gender Issues and/or GAD Mandates per GAD Goal

5.5.1. The gender issues shall be prioritized according to what the agency can achieve within the timeframe of the GAD Agenda.

5.5.2. In prioritizing the gender issues to be addressed, the agency may consider the following criteria: Strategic– aligned with the priorities of the administration and sectoral plans; Relevant – aligned with the agency’s mandate under the MCW and other GAD-related policies and plans; affects a significant number of stakeholders; Urgent – immediate action or attention is necessary to respond to a pressing gender issue/concern

5.5.3. Aside from priority gender issues, the agency may directly cite specific GAD mandates emanating from GAD-related laws or plans that it needs to implement.

5.6. Outlining the GAD Outcomes, Indicators, Baseline Data, and Targets per GAD Goal

5.6.1. Based on the priority gender issues/GAD mandates, formulate the GAD Outcomes/Result Statements to be achieved within the timeframe of the GAD Agenda. The statement should provide a sense of progress toward reaching the goal.

5.6.2. Identify the indicators to measure the progress towards the attainment of the GAD outcome/result. An indicator can be qualitative or quantitative, and is composed of a unit of measure, a unit of analysis and a context.

5.6.3. Provide the baseline data.

5.6.4. Set annual targets for each indicator.

5.7. Translating the GAD Outcomes into GAD Programs, Projects, and/or Activities

5.7.1. Identify/ Develop specific GAD programs, projects, and/or activities aligned with identified strategies with corresponding estimated budget, to achieve the desired GAD outcomes.

5.7.2. Fill out the GAD Strategic Plan template (Annex E).

6. Operationalization

6.1. The head of agency shall approve the GAD Agenda and issue a policy ensuring its implementation by the agency’s sub-units.

6.2. The GFPS shall ensure that the GAD Agenda is disseminated to the agency’s sub-units, such as staff bureaus, regional or field offices.

6.3. In the formulation of the agency’s annual GAD Plan and Budget, the entries in the GAD agenda such as the, gender issue, GAD outcome, indicator, target, activities, and budget for the specified year shall be reflected in the annual GPB.

6.4. To measure the progress made in achieving the GAD Goals, the agency shall identify its annual targets, and move from program, project, and/or activity completion and outputs in the first year or two, to results in terms of achieving the GAD outcomes towards the end of the GAD agenda timeframe.  It shall monitor and evaluate progress made in achieving these targets in its GAD Annual Accomplishment Reports.

6.5 GAD programs, projects, and/or activities, may be modified, as necessary, in order to attain the GAD outcomes and goals.

6.6 The agency may also adjust the GAD Agenda to include emerging gender issues and corresponding outcomes and programs, projects, and/or activities that may not have been included at the onset of the planning period.

7. Monitoring and Evaluation

7.1. A review after three years and an end-term evaluation of the GADSF and GADSP shall be conducted by the GFPS and reports shall be prepared and submitted to PCW.

7.2. The 3-year progress report shall reflect the status of accomplishments based on the analysis of the desired results and outcomes, as well as variances. (See Annexes C & F)

7.3. The end- term report shall reflect the overall assessment of the implementation of the GAD agenda based on the goals and desired results/outcomes. It shall also reflect the variances, including unintended results, and the reasons for such, as well as  the recommendations and lessons learned. Agencies shall submit together with the end-term report, a narrative of its GAD accomplishments, which may include success stories and good practices.

7.4. The result of the evaluation may serve as basis in formulating its GAD Agenda for the next planning period. (See Annexes C & G).

8. Submission

The GAD Agenda, progress and end- term reports shall be submitted by agencies to PCW for the purpose of monitoring, evaluation, reporting of GEWE results and as necessary, provision of technical assistance on its implementation.

9. Transitory Provision

Agencies are encouraged to prepare their GAD Agenda upon the effectivity of this guidelines for calendar years (CY) 2020-2025.  Agencies with existing GAD Agenda shall review and recalibrate, as necessary, their GAD Agenda in line with these Guidelines.

10. Effectivity Clause

This Memorandum Circular shall take effect immediately.


Copy of the Memorandum Circular