Compendium of GEWE Indicators

The Compendium of Gender Equality and Women Empowerment (GEWE) Indicators or simply the Compendium is a compilation of pre-selected but wide-ranging list of indicators based on a sectoral and thematic framework for measuring the results of GEWE initiatives in the Philippines.

The Compendium of GEWE Indicators is the outcome of a series of workshops organized by the Philippine Commission on Women (PCW) that aim to prioritize GAD indicators to serve specific and varying needs for development planning, policymaking, programming, implementation and monitoring and evaluation (M&E). It is a reference document on key sectoral and thematic indicators that form part of the PCW’s results-based monitoring and evaluation system on GEWE.

The Compendium reflects the commitments of the Philippine government under the Magna Carta of Women, Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, Beijing Platform for Action, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and other GAD-related policies and commitments. It is intended to provide guidance on the assessment of and monitoring and evaluation of GAD efforts towards realizing women’s human rights, women’s empowerment and gender equality. It is developed with the inputs of national government partners to address the need for quantifiable and measurable GAD indicators among policymakers, planners, technical assistance providers, monitors, researchers, advocates and members of the gender and development (GAD) focal point systems.

Following a results-based approach, the GEWE indicators are organized according to a hierarchy of GEWE results to give premium to results that produce the most desirable benefits for women and girls such as enhanced empowerment of women and elimination of gender disparities between women and men. The empowerment of women which is translated to women’s greater participation and voice in decision-making as well as women’s enhanced material well-being and status is crucial to attaining gender equality in social, economic, political and cultural aspects of life. Thus, gender equality and women’s empowerment are key results leading to the desired impact of an improved quality of life among women and men, girls and boys. This is the framework that underpins the construction of GEWE indicators across the hierarchy of results. 

GEWE indicators are also organized along five strategic goal areas, namely: Women’s Social Development Rights; Women’s Economic Empowerment; Gender in Security, Justice and Peace; Gender-Responsive Governance; and Gender in Environment and Climate Change. Under these goal areas, GEWE indicators are further clustered into 17 key sectors and thematic areas. These are specific indicators recommended for each thematic, sectoral or priority area at different levels of results (be it at the impact, outcome or output level) that will be considered in gender mainstreaming. 

But while the compendium of GEWE indicators is developed to be as comprehensive and as wide-ranging as possible, the reference document does not presume to cover all indicators that would be needed to monitor gender equality and women’s empowerment in every situation, context, policy or commitment. Further, the choice of the GEWE indicators to be prioritized for inclusion in the agency’s GAD agenda, GAD plan and budget, or any GAD program, project or activity rests on the agency’s mandate and functions, and will vary depending on the feasibility of data collection and other resource constraints faced by the agency. 

The Compendium is composed of two Volumes. Volume I is the compilation of thematic and sectoral GEWE indicators at the impact, outcome and output level of results while Volume II provides for every GEWE indicator an indicator code as well as indicator description, data sources, frequency of data collection and statistical methods of data collection. While the Compendium provides guidance on data collection, some degree of M&E expertise and services may still be required to assist in the preparation of an M&E Plan, in the design of tools and instruments on sampling, data collection and analysis as well as reporting on the results of GAD-related M&E. 
